Confact Core Construction specialises in structural framework-the very core of the building.

In situ concrete construction is our speciality.

From bespoke form work to fixing steel reinforcing, laying post-tensioning cables to casting and finishing of the concrete- accuracy and efficiency is our goal. We pride ourselves on setting the pace- even in developments where programming is tight.

Based in Cape Town, we have been in business since 1986 servicing the residential, commercial and industrial markets “structural concrete” requirements.

We have a proud history with Faircape Property Developers and have been responsible for most of the in-situ concrete components of their developments. Prestigious projects include "The Boulevard", Black River Business Park, Harbour Bridge at V+A Waterfront and the cosmopolitan Wembley Square in Cape Town's city centre.


Confact - Core Construction - Industrial Structural framework - Insitu Concrete Construction     Steel Reinforcing - Structural Concrete - Faircape Property Developers - The Boulevard Black River Business Park - Harbour Bridge - Cosmopolitan Wembley Square

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